Result History
The grid below offers you the ability to search for a tournament, find historical result information as a static file and view the result sheets from previous years. As an example if you select Fossatie and Friends in the grid you will find a PDF of the pre-2022 information as a printout. The farthest column to the right “Google Sheet Entries” has a URL link to the entry sheet for that specific tournament.
Why use entries? The entries sheet holds the most information and is historically accurate. To make it easier to read the entry list for each year has the first thru third places sorted and color coded.
To use this grid find the tournament in the list, if you want to look at past result history go to attachments, if you want to view the entry list and the results go to the column “Google Sheets Entries” and click on the URL. Results have been color coded as well as numbered. Gold = First Place, Red = Second Place and Blue = Third Place.